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发布时间:2023-05-18 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

1、 The reliability and authenticity of the project. Tianfang Baozi franchise personnel remind everyone to be cautious of being "deceived" when looking for projects, and to stay away from leather bag companies or franchise enterprises that only solicit money and do not work. How to avoid this problem? Project investors should first check whether the enterprise conducting this project is a legitimate enterprise certified by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, whether there are relevant industrial and commercial bureau documents, and whether the documents will be displayed for people to view during on-site negotiations.
2、 Invisible consumption is not disclosed. The franchise fee before signing is very low, and after signing, various fees will be collected in various names. To avoid this situation, project investors should ask clearly before signing, "What are the franchise fees included and are there any additional fees in the future
3、 How does the product taste. This issue is often overlooked by many investors, which is a crucial aspect. In catering, taste determines business, and investors must personally try "eating". You can only know if the taste is good by experiencing it firsthand. At the same time, it is also necessary to take a closer look at the actual business traffic of the steamed bun shop to determine whether most consumers like it.
4、 Is the product popular. Some products have regional restrictions and may sell well in the north, but may not sell well in the south. The delicious and popular flavors are only popular among customers. Moderate taste ensures stable traffic.
5、 Does the enterprise have a regional protection system. This is an issue that most investors have not considered. The regional protection system refers to the fact that only one steamed bun shop of the brand can be opened within a certain range, which guarantees the rights and interests of every franchisee.
Provide regional protection policies for each investor, ensuring the rights and interests of each investor. So a legitimate franchise company's business will inevitably have regional restrictions, so investors need to understand this policy clearly. For more related content, come to our website https://www.jnsjtf.com consulting service