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发布时间:2023-09-03 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

In the "Taiping Guangji" of the Song Dynasty, a Tang Dynasty anecdote was recorded: during the Wu Zhou period, there was a palace attendant named Hou Sizhi. When he eats, he often instructs the chef: "Make a pancake with me, you can make it with scallions." This means that the chef adds less scallions and more meat. So people gave him a nickname, called "Shoucong Shishi". It can be seen that meat and scallions have become a classic pairing of steamed bun filling in the Tang Dynasty.
Scallion meat buns were probably also very popular during the Song Dynasty. According to the Song Dynasty scholar Luo Dajing's "Crane Forest Jade Dew - Cut Scallion Silk", a scholar bought a concubine in the capital and claimed to have worked at the steamed bun kitchen in the Prime Minister Cai Jing's mansion. One day, he asked his concubine to make some steamed buns to taste, but she refused and said she couldn't make them. The scholar was very unhappy and said, "Since I am from the steamed bun kitchen, why can't I make steamed buns?" The little concubine replied confidently, "I am the one in charge of cutting scallions in the steamed bun kitchen." Just a steamed bun, Cai Jing's kitchen can be divided into different types of work, such as selecting dishes, cutting scallions, rolling skins, and making steamed buns. Even small scallions need to be handled by a dedicated person, which indicates Cai Jing's emphasis on food, On the other hand, it can also be seen that Song people like to use scallions to fill buns.
However, the meat buns in Cai Jing's mansion are not necessarily pork, but more likely lamb. During the Tang and Song dynasties, lamb was always the most common meat, while pork had a relatively low status and was often only used as a means of food for the common people.
According to Chen Wenwei's "Ke Zhai Ji", Wang Anshi loves lamb buns and often eats them while reading. Because I was too engrossed in it and didn't use chopsticks, I ate it with my hands and didn't even notice it when I ate too much, which led to diarrhea.
"Mantou" was originally "steamed stuffed bun"
The earliest legend about the origin of baozi can be traced back to the pre Qin period. It is said that King Zhou of Shang cooked and killed Bo Yikao, cut off his limbs, chopped the body with ten thousand blades, and made meat cakes (such as meat soup) to give to King Wen of Zhou to test whether he could calculate. King Wen learned from the divination that his beloved son had been robbed. The next day, he received breakfast and pretended to eat it without knowing it, in order to deceive King Zhou into thinking that King Wen's divination was just a false name. This is the famous story of King Wen's son eating. In the "Romance of the Gods", it evolved into King Zhou turning the Boyi examination into a human flesh bun. Of course, this is just a legend. Because it was not until the invention of the stone mill in the Han Dynasty that people began to eat from grain to powder, that is, flour.
包子这种面食制品大约在魏、晋时便已经出现,但包子的原名却叫“馒头”。晋代束皙在《饼赋》中说,初春时的宴会上宜设“曼头”。 这里所说的“曼头”其实就是包子。唐人把它叫做“笼饼”。古人把面食统称为“饼”,如汤面叫做“汤饼”,上笼蒸熟的面点就叫“笼饼”。陆游有诗云:“便觉此身如在蜀,一盘笼饼是豌巢。”其下作注:“蜀中杂彘肉作巢馒头,佳甚。唐人正谓馒头为笼饼。”
Steamed buns, a kind of wheaten food, appeared in the Wei and Jin dynasties, but the original name of steamed buns was "Mantou". In the "Cake Fu" written by Shu Xi of the Jin Dynasty, it was appropriate to have a "man head" at a banquet in early spring. The "Mantou" mentioned here is actually baozi. The Tang people call it "cage cake". The ancients collectively referred to pasta as "cake", for example, Noodles in soup were called "soup cakes", and steamed pastries were called "cage cakes". Lu You once said in a poem, "I feel like I am in Sichuan, and a plate of steamed bread is a nest of peas
Lu You said "Mantou" is actually the oldest name of steamed bun. It is said that the earliest "Mantou" was invented by Zhuge Liang. According to the "Records of Things" by Gao Cheng of the Song Dynasty, Zhuge Liang, after conquering Meng Huo and returning from his southern expedition, was about to cross the Lushui River. Suddenly, there was a strong storm and people couldn't cross it. He asked the locals and said it was a rampant rebellion by the gods, and they should sacrifice it by throwing their heads into the water. Zhuge Liang did not want to kill animals, so he used lamb and pork as filling, wrapped in dough, and made a human head shape to worship the gods. This move has a miraculous effect. "Mantou is thrown into the water, and the wind and waves will stop". This legend was later adapted and used in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and has since been widely known.
Another theory is that the time when Zhuge Liang crossed the Lushui River coincides with the fifth month of the lunar calendar, that is, in Zhuge Liang's "Departure Table", "Crossing the Lushui River in the fifth month, without any hair". What is this? It turned out that in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the water in Lushui had a strong "miasma" and contained toxic substances. Soldiers who consumed the water in Lushui experienced illness and even death.
After much contemplation, Zhuge Liang ordered the soldiers to kill pigs and cows, mix beef and pork together, chop them into meat paste, mix them into noodles, and steam them in the shape of human heads for the soldiers to eat. As a result, the disease of the soldiers was soon eliminated, so people around Lushui spread the word that the "Mantou" shaped like a human head ordered by Zhuge Liang could avoid pestilence.